Bald Jesus Drinking Club

A Big Island property membership token NFT project by Chris “Vagoband” Damitio (@vagobond).

We plan to buy a piece of land for the BJDC in Hawaii with the proceeds of this sale after 100 percent of the tokens are sold. Think of it like our private Garden of Eden. All BJDC token holders will get to visit it, socialize on it, claim it, and decide what we ultimately do with it. We will build a Decentralized Autonomous Organization for BJDC holders after 25 percent of BJDCs are sold. We are also looking into creating a special non-profit. Each BJCD you own is a membership token. We have some astounding and some wacky plans – but the DAO will have to approve most of them as we move forward. BJDC holders will set the course and take over the steering as soon as the DAO is set up.

Twitter: @BaldJesusArt


